How to Lose Heat Fever In Children
Heat and fever is a disease that does not want us to suffer, not mengenekkan not? Yes, especially if it happens and suffered by our children, what a pity! what we must do if we just have not had time to take it to the doctor? apalgi it happened at night.Heat fever can be caused by actors such as actors, extreme weather and changing fox or transition, and can also cause by an infection in the body, inflammation and the like so that the body temperature rises and heat.
How to Lose Heat In Children
Its natural and traditional is easy to do, buddy, namely the 4 orange juice, and do something like this:
- Each one lemon, cut into 4 man cut, then wring it out and take the water.
- Water from a lime Steamed last man (in the team), which is in use to cook with steam in a boiler using steam alone.After about half an hour, remove and allow to warm to lukewarm and add
a new small piece of tape yeast, also 4 spring onions that have been in
keprek or destroyed.
- Mix all ingredients and knead just - squeeze a little, use ingredients
that have been co-created body to memborehi sekujut children who are
suffering from the heat, less than an hour of slow body heat kid is
going down, and certainly for the better immediately take the child to
the nearest doctor.
Traditional ways to heal other hot fever
Another way to reduce the heat in the suffering fever, especially if it is caused by malaria are:
- Use papaya leaves, by the way:
- Take a handful of papaya leaves, then mashed until smooth mate and filter with a soft cloth.Squeeze and take water and filtered water that papaya leaf mate Drinks in patients with fever heat.
For people suffering from malaria, natural ingredients and traditional can be used for 5 days by drink it, and heat illness and fever in the suffering will be healed, and it is not easy? and start to try it, the author.
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