Infertility is something in fear in a family, both sterility of the wife or husband, but it can be co-healthy overcome by the way - the way of natural and traditional, which is likely to recover from the disease may soon buddy overcome, and the symptoms of infertility obviously, do not have ancestry.Faktor of infertility can be a wide - range, such as:
- The existence of heredity, both the wife and husband.
- Smoking can also cause it, or at least less protein sperma husband and can not fertilize an egg in the egg.
- Can the husband's sperm are not strong enough to survive to reach and fertilize the egg of the wife, and the reason - other reasons.
And if infertility has been clearly proven, then the friend can use potions and ways - traditional and natural ways to cope with and treat it.
Traditional Ways To Treat Infertility
How to make a potion to cure a man suffering infertility are:- Use twigs and leaves coastal onion.
- Take a handful of leaves, twigs dadap hand and onion by 10 points.
- Great spot - painting on palm branches friend coastal clean and dry your hands afterwards.
- After cleaning, co-boiled with onions that have been burned and not until charred.
How to Use the ingredients:
- The water is drinking buddy up.
- Dregs of decoction of twigs and red onion dadap the friend use to memborehi the vagina, two fingers below the navel down to the pubic bone, also in the cream of the bone in the bone behind the famil coverts.
- If the traditional way this man women do every day, in two months it will be seen as a result, there is likely to suffer infertility buddy buddy resolved soon and there is most likely to conceive.
That needs to remember! - At the time pal woman conducting sexual (coitus), with her husband, should be done in the fertile period, ie 10 days after menstruation and 10 days before menstruation, for a moment like that is called the fertile period and friend can do Coitussetiap day, please give it a try.
How to Treat Down Crossbreed
Symptoms are felt if exposed down the vagina is like:
- Disturbed and if procreation was down.- Stomach feels like fall in the bottom.
- Female sex organs seem - will pop out.
Treatment of Down Crossbreed way:
- Take the banana trees sprout stone, then mashed until smooth and expeller and take the water.
- After noticing the man carrying water, drink every morning for at least one week, the feeling or the vagina will be resolved soon and health.Perlu You Remember!
- Not all - time pal mixing even a little salt in the water this ingredient, because it is not good for your gall! , Author.
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