Natural way of treating diseases of the tonsils, the disease is usually found in the throat, it feels very uncomfortable, and if you're into it could have swelling of the tonsils disease can cover the throat, and the effect is shortness of breath, and that is dangerous is not it?
• The condition that caused by disease of the tonsils is, people who are suffering from the disease of tonsils will feel the fever and the body temperature rises, the heat.
• In addition, patients will feel claustrophobic tonsil disease to breathe and also difficult to swallow.
But, if you just want to try, we can treat and cure tonsil without tonsillectomy and of course this is good news for people with tonsils, in addition to easy and cheap, nor will be like if we would be in tonsillectomy to remove and treat diseases of the tonsils that you suffer.
Tonsils Natural Ways to Treat Disease
This natural way you can do for the treatment of diseases of the tonsils, without tonsillectomy! and here's how:
• Look for the parasite leaves and grows on lime trees, once available pulosari add fennel to taste.
• Mash the two ingredients until smooth, give a little water then strain and take the water from the juice.
• Then drink water of parasite results of lemon juice plus fennel pulosari in patients with tonsillitis.
• The result! Once you drink the juice as explained above in as many as 10 times, tonsil disease will disappear and disappear altogether! Not be recurrent and will not swell back, please give it a try.
Things You Must Avoid In
• Avoid food - the food was spicy and contains a substance - substances that provoke disease tonsils recurrent back in. • Do not let the disease of tonsils happen, because if on leave and tonsils have acute, will become blockage of the airway, and it is quite possible that right would lead to death regards, author.
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