Traditional Ways To Treat Baldness

As we know, the hair is the most important part in our members, and many say as a crown. It is also at the highest point of our body parts, yes above our heads! but how if the hair buddy experienced baldness? it would be very annoying may also be considered to reduce the appearance of man.
To cope with and treat baldness mate naturally, of course you have to do do anything to treat it, in various ways whatever it!

 Hair Facts

- Hair as we know a great deal, who knows how much? but according to the investigation experts skilled in the art, the average

- average, black hair which amounts to approximately 160,000 sheets!

- A human hair, the average - average each day will be able to grow along the 0.5 mm and can hold up to 4 years!

- If my friend about 40 pieces of hair loss, it is still considered normal and do not need to worry my friend! but if every day is too much hair loss pal, that is where baldness will mate naturally, and in circumstances like these that worry either by men or women.

Natural Ways to Treat Baldness

For treat thing that is not in want of the hair buddy, then try this potent recipe, traditional, natural and can be easily making recipe! such as natural and traditional way below.
Natural herb medicine Rub For Hair

Materials - materials that friend needed are:
- Half a cup of sesame oil
- Half a cup of coconut oil
- Hibiscus leaves 3 pieces.
- Leaves of people - aring 3 pieces.
- Leaves mangkokan ( Name of plant ) 3 pieces.
- 1 sheet of pandan  ( Name of plant ) leaves.
- Seeds nut 2 grains.
- 7 petals and jasmine flowers,
- Roses 1 florets.

How to Make herb liniment For Hair

After all the ingredients to make this natural ingredient is available, the next step is to mix materials - these materials are:

- Boil water in a saucepan as much as 2 liter, anyway input coconut oil and sesame oil.

- Leaves - leaves and pecan in finely chopped, then input into oil to a boil, then remove and filtered.

- Collect and use as oil cemceman  ( Name of plant ) to friend use as a liniment for hair.
How to use is:

- Oleskanlah cemceman  ( Name of plant ) oil before going to bed, spread evenly to the scalp and particularly in parts - parts that go bald, and massage - massage approximately 10 minutes.

- In the morning after waking up, buddy Dampen head with mucus bananas that have been in condensed.

How to Make Slime debok Bananas

After my friend made concoction cemceman ( Name of plant )  the above, the authors also present complementary and traditional natural herbs to treat a pal suffered, namely by making the mucus bananas, the way is:

- Cut a banana tree, bottom, and make a hole in the middle - the middle.

- Buddy will find morning buddy made pit will contain water, and use water from the banana to compress the scalp every waking.

- If my friend is diligently doing this, it will show the shoots - new shoots will grow on the bald head that will eventually grow thick and black, fertile once!

How to Treat Baldness from Within
It feels incomplete to treat baldness mate naturally only from the outside only! and for that, let's add to cope with and treat baldness from the inside by using the method as shown below.

Materials - materials that buddy needed, namely:
- Kikil cow 30 grams (little piece)

- Two flower polo.

- 2 pieces of fireworks sugading  ( Name of plant ) as well,

- 3 pieces of faded leaves and a little fennel pulosari bluntas. ( Name of plant )

How to making recipe :
- All the ingredients in a stew, then filtered. After that use to my friend as a beverage drink fresh every morning and evening.

- Drink the morning and afternoon sebayak one glass and season with 1 teaspoon of honey.

- By using this natural herb, pal will soon overcome baldness, the hair will come back thick and black, try it now! author.
