Natural ways to treat Dan Close up Of Hurt

Natural ways to treat Dan Close up Of Hurt

How to close the wound naturally indeed been in use people - our parents since in the past, is fairly simple, easy and cheap, only plants that we may use in urban areas rarely or none at all.

This traditional treatment is done as anticipated, due to negligence we use objects - objects sharp and cause injuries, and preferably after traditional medicine doctor or go to the nearest health center for further treatment.

Traditional Medicine Treating Wounds

Injury or injured usual we have experienced, on purpose or not on purpose, the mother - the mother was ordinary experience, especially when doing kitchen work, slicing seasoning sort, onions or the other, and when a little numb, knives sometimes on our skin and cause injury.

And if you experienced anything like it, then do it in natural and traditional medicine to treat it, dampen minimal blood coming out for not too much or separately pressed to stop the blood and these scars

Using latex Bananas

How to using this traditional way for our hurted :
• The natural way is so Simpler, but if you are hurt and try it, then you will feel manpaat of the banana juice, how:
• Clean your wound and slash banana weevil close to your home.
• Look at the sap, for treatment, the gum drops on the wound that you experienced.
• Wrap with a soft cloth and a few moments later the blood from your wound will soon dry up.
• To further treatment go to your doctor to keep your cuts so as not infected.
Using leaf jarong
• The use of this leaf was easy to do, how:
• Take a few leaves of grass.
• Wash with clean, then mashed smoothly.

• Put on the part of the injured are experiencing, then tie with a soft cloth, the wound will quickly heal, blood does not come out and even dry out and tighten scars from the wound.
Traditional way you can do, very well as help on things you experience in your daily activities - day or as an alternative to treat the disease or illness that you are suffering, author.
