One of the hardest things in the relationship is to find the pair turned out to someone who is possessive and controlling. There are several reactions that usually women do when faced with such a person.
Most of them wanted to cut ties but fear the explosive reaction. There is also a wish to continue the relationship because it is still in love, but can not stand always controlled.
What should you do if your partner turns handyman control ?
If it seems like she'll never trust you, Brandy Engler psychologist ventured to propose to decide. This is a fundamental problem that will never heal," he said.However, if the problem is quite light, it could be a couple just lack confidence and this can be done with therapy and effort from you.
When the couple began to ask to check your cell phone, give him clear boundaries. Do not let him check your cell phone, this is actually going to make it-so," said Engler.
This method can also be applied when he began to limit your relationships with friends and family. Remember, family and friends are the ones who will always defend you in any situation, do the same thing for them.
Then, when she agreed to do therapy with the experts, this is a sign he would turn out to be better for you. Conversely, if he refuses to do therapy, think carefully if this is a man who would like to build a family together.
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