disease tyfhus

Disease tyfhus, thyfus disease was hot, and the disease is usually in tandao thyfus disease with a rise in body temperature of the patient of the disease! sometimes accompanied by delirium or babbling if only the patient's body temperature rises more than the normal limit.

Thyfus is a disease with symptoms - symptoms such as these:

• typhus fever is epidemic prone diseases famous. Scroll down to understand the nature, causes, symptoms, and treatments are available to address this condition
• Fever is also known as fever are common in prison, because it easily spreads easily, in places that are not hygienic as a prison. Tyfus disease name comes from the Greek word that means haziness typhos which aptly describes the mental state of patients typhus.
• The victim died of typhus in the last century has been really high. Therefore, it is important to know all the relevant facts about this fever.
It - it's important to be in the know
Things we know about this disease in the past and never happened.
• Typhus has been known to exist since the 5th century BC. There are recurrent attacks of epidemic typhus during World Wars I and II. Holocaust victims of this disease, were killed in large numbers by the Nazis through the use of gas chambers.
• The Allied forces used toxic chemical called DDT to reduce this disease during the war. There is a typhoid epidemic in the US, Europe, the Middle East and certain parts of Africa as well. Some famous victims including Anne Frank and Margot Frank of Amsterdam and Sir Robert Bell, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer.

Typhus is caused by a parasite called Rickettsia. However, there are four different subtypes of the disease is based on a sub-species of parasites and their operators. This subtype is as follows:

Symptoms - symptoms of the disease can thyfus we know like:

Murine typhus: Symptoms include severe joint pain, vomiting, nausea, splitting headache, dry cough, high fever lasting up to almost 14 days, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. A dull red rash first appears on the trunk and then spread to all parts of the body except the face, palms and soles of the feet. Rash gradually turns into red, green, blue and purple ugly.

When parasites Rickettsia into the human body, it causes severe inflammation in human blood vessels. This prevents blood vessels from supplying blood to the organs.
In time, when a sufficient amount of blood fails to reach the patient's brain, he began to feel extreme vagueness and there is the possibility of the patient slips into a coma. Some common symptoms of different versions of typhus.

Epidemic Typhus: Symptoms include severe pain muscle, splitting headaches, colds and coughs, chills and high fever lasting up to almost 14 days, severe joint pain, low blood pressure, delirium, rapid deployment rash ugly entire body except the palms and soles leg. epidemic typhus patients report seeing a bright light that is very painful in front of their eyes.

Thyfus can be categorized as a dangerous disease, therefore, try to prevent the arrival of the disease, phealthy care and prevention is a must that you should do.

Maintenance of personal hygiene and cleanliness of the surrounding space. Infestations of fleas and ticks should be controlled carefully.

• There is a possibility of the spread of lice when children normally play with people thyfus virus.
• In such cases, parents should be alert and their children so as not infected with the virus of the thyfus.
• If possible, shampoo drugs can be used to maintain sanitation.
• Avoid direct contact with furry animals and rat urine.
• Maintenance of good sanitation is a must. To free of virus thyfus, be sure to wash clothes, blankets and fabrics with insecticides.

Therefore, be careful - careful and do prevention remedy cope with the arrival of the disease thyfus.
