Hand care

You may be able to apply thick makeup to cover up wrinkles and wrinkles. However, similar measures can not apply on hand.

Because the skin of the hands may experience premature aging if you do not take care of him properly.

Based on the explanation of Mary Lupo, MD, a dermatologist in New Orleans, USA, causes hand skin aging due to sunlight that breaks down collagen making the skin elasticity is reduced.

"The sun can make skin dull quickly hand. You must be diligent sunscreen cream daub. Make sure the cream containing retinoids, alpha-hydroxy acids, and peptides in order to quickly build collagen, "said Lupo.

Then, Kimberly Butterwick, MD, a dermatologist from LA Jolla, California, note that if you have a face cream containing these ingredients, you can memulaskannya also to hand.

Over time, the skin on the hands also produce less oil as a lubricant to reduce humidity.

Butterwick recommends to diligently apply the lotion to improve hydration.

The right time to daub lotion on your hand is any hand washing is completed. Therefore, water reducing moisture content.

Apply a moisturizing lotion throughout the day to increase hydration. Apply as soon as you wash your hands.

Invest in beauty by purchasing a hand cream that contains hyaluronic acid, glycerin, or urea, which is able to attract and maintain moisture.

Do not forget your hand cream should also contain SPF, for durability of UV exposure that disrupt the production of proteins that help form the outer layer of your skin moisture.
