How to whiten skin

Exposure to pollution and dust is bad news for the beauty of a woman's skin. Therefore, two things that make the skin gradually dull, dark, and acne.

The dream of having white skin, smooth, and bright are increasingly out of reach.

Actually, protect the skin from the negative effects of pollution and dust is not difficult. In essence, you have to be diligent. So, can not interlaced, this day care tomorrow.

Care so that the skin is always clean and beautiful is mostly require large funds. However, as mentioned above, as long as you are diligent in applying it, then the product at an affordable price can provide the best protection for you.

Dr Rachel Nazarian of Schweiger Dermatology Group advocate that every day you wear a skin moisturizing lotion.

Moisturizing the skin, said Dr. Nazarian, is not only reserved for those who have dry skin. Therefore, oily skin needs moisturizing.

The skin is always in humid conditions, then over time will be bright and beautiful.

Then, Dr. Nazarian also suggested that should never miss wearing sunscreen, especially for those who live in the tropics.

"A lot of activity in the room was not the reason for not applying sunscreen. Therefore, the heat from the outside can make your skin
