Mental health: Light in life

We certainly know him, suppose someone said, that this is life! all knew and close to the name of life and living, but there is one thing that you know or would not life itself, life is not simply - simply for life!

Life is a jungle, dense forests that require expertise to wade, life also is a very dark night, without a torch that we can use as a light path, and where do we look for the light in this life?
Living and traveling

Life is a journey, a journey that we want and we do not want! why, if we ask them, would we live or why we live? there are many answers to it, and we got two premises n clear, that yes and no!

Yes, because life is not ours, but life is a gift from the Almighty! and if you say no, maybe you even have a reason for it, life is not just a flat road, but the road with various obstacles in turns - turns a life, very complete for us to tell.

Light in life

Life is like a jungle, and also the dark night dark, it will require a way, and also for the light to pass through, and people say, "enjoy life as it is and seek the path to it"

Such was the case, but there is some way as light in this life, the first is, the light that has existed in themselves and in our own souls: we are born and reborn as whom and for whom? light within our soul first and this will lead the way on light - light the next, and it is basically, where if someone knows himself, he will know what road he should run and where it will go?

Hearts, and souls were clean, there was no hypocrisy in this life, but the soul and the body clean is a second light that illuminates this path, Depending on how the results, the most important thing we have done in this life as much as possible, with the rules - rules , the rule of God and man.

Soul and body clean as light, and also as a way of life, and channel your life that is not filled with junk and sin in this life, you imagine if a water channel covered trash in the fact of life that we often see, what happens? tragedy is not even throws in human civilization, flooding for example, which is followed by an issue - other issues.

Something that we had was not what we had in this life! yes, it was definitely, not what you can in the world will not bring you die? No further light which is our life and have compassion, caring and sharing with the other creatures on this earth.

Having a treasure, which is actually a deposit even though we temporarily given the right to admit it, but the property will be more useful and to be a light in this life, if only we think with, among my treasure, there is another man's treasure that God Leave us.

Have positions that we often see in the fighting, but if we remember and are well aware, is not an office is deposited, and not what we have promised is a must to keep it? if not ? being an office is the heaviest yoke accounted for, although it looks very nice in the reality of life, and what a shame! it just seems like it.

Also a science, science as knowledge is given not to fool other beings in this life, but science is a light that gives the user a path in life and promote a civilization in human life.

Too many things that really make a bright light in this life, but most men, always rely on lies, hypocrisy, lies and arrogance on what - what has been given a god to him, and that is happening, not a bright light in the find, but a street full of undergrowth and darkness in the face! the greeting of peace, the author.


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