Symptoms of an enlarged uterus

Symptoms of an enlarged uterus. The uterus or womb may have an enlarged, and in the beginning we ignore and think that it is normal, or maybe you feel  your weight increased rapidly you consider to be overweight or obese, however, we must be vigilant, what behind it all, find out here!
An enlarged uterus is often a symptom of a medical condition such as uterine fibroid, Adenomiosis, ovarian cysts, endometrial cancer, the symptoms of an enlarged uterus may vary depending on the underlying cause.

Then how the symptoms associated with an enlarged uterus.

Menopause is not only a time of change in a woman's reproductive life cycle, but also the period which is accompanied by the possibility of disruption that will come in the reproductive system.
An enlarged uterus is something that women tend uncare increase in size of the stomach as obese.
This is the beginning of a serious health condition that can be stopped with the handling of the beginning, before the enlarged

Symptoms of an enlarged uterus

There are some medical conditions that are behind the enlarging uterus. abdominal pain, premenstrual syndrome, severe menstrual cramps, back pain, nausea, depression, menstrual pain, and rapid weight gain are some of the symptoms associated with an enlarged uterus.
Symptoms - symptoms:
Menstruation is not normal
Menoragia, also known as heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding is one of the symptoms that involve blood clots or have heavy menstrual flow. It can also be characterized by irregular periods, and spots between menstrual periods.
These symptoms could be indicative of an enlarged uterus and fibroid. It can also cause anemia and lack of energy due to excessive blood loss.
Weight increased drastically
Weight suddenly rise for no particular reason is one of the main symptoms, sudden weight gain leading to obesity can also cause menstrual irregularities and infertility.
Pain can also spread to other parts of the body such as legs, wings, the hip, spine, and other body areas affected .Women may experience pain during intercourse.
reproductive problems
When enlarged uterus observed in fertile age, accompanies several other health complications, such as infertility, preterm labor and premature birth, stillbirth, recurrent miscarriages and many other complications.
 Changes in the stomach that also looks like a pregnancy is one of the most visible of all the signs that something is wrong with the uterus.

The cause of enlarged uterus
There are several phases of the menstrual cycle which can create some complications in the life of a woman and cause enlargement of the uterus.
Abnormal development of the uterus and other reproductive organs can cause enlargement of the woman's uterus.
Uterine fibroid
Fibroid are non-cancerous growths in the uterus that often appear during the childbearing years. Uterine fibroid can occur alone or in groups. Their size may range from from the pea.
ovarian cysts
It is also one of the most common reasons behind the enlarged uterus. Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can form on the surface of the ovary, or on the surface.
If medical assistance no taking done, then there is a possibility of ovarian cysts can rupture and cause serious health complications. There are different types of ovarian cysts should be evaluated as they create the risk of ovarian cancer.
endometrial cancer
Cancer of the endometrium, the lining of the uterus that can cause an enlarged uterus. Women approaching menopause, hormone replacement therapy, or treatment of breast cancer are at risk of having an enlarged uterus.
Women who are affected by obesity or colerecta cancer are also at risk. Surgical removal of the uterus may be recommended in this case.
This condition is characterized by a thickening of the uterus that occurs when endometrial tissue that lines the uterus, moves into the outer muscle wall of the uterus. This condition can be observed in women in the age group 30 and above .. This causes irregular menstruation, clotting during menstruation and menstrual cramps.

Treatment should be undertaken:

There are one or more tests can be performed to determine the cause enlargement of the uterus, including laparoscopy, a physical examination of the pelvic region, endometrial biopsy, X-ray examination, and some blood tests.
Treatment of an enlarged uterus will vary, depending on caused detected. Hormonal therapy, medication, surgical examination, herbal medicine, alternative medicine, and total or partial hysterectomy can be done to provide relief from these symptoms.
Therefore, it is very important not to ignore any of the symptoms . Diagnosis  can alleviate the problem of enlarged uterus. As a woman, you should take all possible precautions to keep your reproductive system healthy. Therefore, recognize the symptoms, causes and signs - signs of the disease as soon as possible so that preventive measures and treatment can soon we did, for the health of your uterus.
