Efficacy of avocado and Benefits sleep late?

Efficacy of avocado and Benefits sleep late?, Avocado lately more popular. Fruit is usually a complement to a salad or dessert is now considered a super fruit by the perpetrators of a healthy lifestyle. What are the benefits?
The new study conducted by a team of scientists from Iran analyzing 129 research about the benefits of avocado consumption in the components of metabolic syndrome.
Metabolic syndrome is a term used to describe a combination of three or more risk factors for heart disease and diabetes, which is high blood pressure, high triglycerides, and waist width.
The research team concluded that the avocado is beneficial in terms of cholesterol levels. Regularly eat these fruits can reduce bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and total cholesterol. In addition it also increases levels of good cholesterol.

The effects of reducing blood fat, antidiabetic, antiobesity, antithrombotic, and protection of the heart, are also found in some studies, the researchers said in a report in the journal Phytotherapy Research.
The results of this study reinforces the status of the avocado as a super fruit.
A nutritionist who was not involved in the study said, avocados also helps reduce abdominal fat, the most dangerous type of fat.
Avocados contain healthy fats and also has a satiating effect. So, this fruit is highly recommended by those who want to lose weight and reduce your intake of saturated fat.
Another advantage of the avocado is the content of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Avocados are suitable for inclusion in various types of dishes. It can be mixed with the ingredients of sweet or savory.
However, for the best benefit, you should not consume avocado with added sugar.

Benefits sleep late?

Many people say, sleep late at night is a bad habit for health negatively. In fact, scientific research has not fully support that notion. Several studies prove, used to sleep late alias become "owls" have some advantages.
But, do not get me wrong, you still have to sleep enough, a minimum of seven or eight hours each day to stay healthy.
However, if you make your routines are forced to sleep late, do not feel too bad also. Here are some advantages of being "owls" according to the scientists.
Owls have a higher IQ
Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary scientist at the London School of Economics and Political Science, discovered the relationship between intelligence and adaptive behavior are called by the term "rare evolution".
According to Kanazawa, their routine activities in the evenings are rare creatures in their environment.

The study, he did conclude, children are more intelligent, more likely to grow into adults nocturnal (used to wake up at night) and most recently in the wake of his colleagues, both on weekdays and on weekends.
While those who like to sleep late have a higher IQ, people who wake up early are more likely to achieve success.
Randler find, more students show up early that a proactive attitude than students who used to get up in the afternoon. Thus, they are easier to achieve success.
 Have a "power night" special
Those who stay up late have a physical advantage over his colleagues who used to sleep quickly.
Researchers at the University of Alberta to test the strength of leg nine people who regularly get up in the morning and nine people were accustomed awake at night.
They are accustomed to waking up in the morning has a consistent strength throughout the day, but the owls have a higher strength at night.
Olle Lagerquist, author of the study, said that this was probably because at about 21, an increase in the motor cortex and spinal cord stimulation in their body who like to sleep late. Why it could happen, scientists have analyzed it.
People who work at night, more creative
Researchers from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan found that people who regularly sleep late, tend to have a solution that is more original and creative than people who sleep early.
Marina Giampietro, the study's lead author says, the hypothesis that the owls may be more creative as a hobby begadangnya, may encourage and enable them to find alternative solutions that original.
Owls have a general intelligence score higher
Last year, researchers at the University of Madrid released a study on sleep patterns of 1,000 adolescents.
The study found bahwa sleep late teens often turn out to have an inductive test scores related to general intelligence, higher than their peers who slept fastest
But, the same study also found that those who had a habit of waking up in the morning get a more baik.5 , "Owls" have mental alertness with a duration longer than "early bird" A 2009 study by the University of Liege in Belgium watching the 15 people who like to sleep very late and 16 people who used to get up very dawn.
Researcher measured their brain activity twice , namely waking and 10.5 hours kemudian.Studi this finding, all participants have the same level of alertness when they just got sleep.
 10.5 hours later, they were used to get up very early exposure had lower activity in area of the brain that regulates the concentration and circadian rhythm, compared with those who used to sleep very late.
