Beautiful view of Kuta beach

Beautiful view of Kuta kuta beach, It presents an extraordinary appeal, especially the white sand and sunset or sunset views. Actually, the color of the sand here.
 If you see it during the day, the color will look white. However, after noon, sunlight will change the color of the sand to be light brown.By sunset, the color of sand, sea water and the sky in the west is almost indistinguishable on this Bali Kute Beach.They are all orange, or red, or sometimes yellow smoldering. Really the right object to be photographed.No wonder the beach is always full of visitors throughout the year, both with foreign and domestic tourists.

Beautiful view

If the sun has drowned and the night has come, Kute Beach Bali still has another charm. Just behind the wall that separates this beach from the main road, line up nightclubs, bars, cafes, hotels, shops and so forth that attracts the attention of many people.Most of the visitors are foreign tourists, mainly from Australia.. Many visitors, especially domestic tourists, who just carelessly throw garbage on this beach.And, many restaurants, restaurants and hotels often throw garbage in this beach area, causing damage not only to the scenery but also to the natural ecosystem.And it makes you happy and enjoy, so hurry up going to Bali in present of kute beach!
