Natural Ways to Overcome Menstruation women

Natural Ways to Overcome Menstruation women, this issue is common and you will experience, and things - things in the state that you experienced was certainly different - different between one woman and another woman, both of which occur naturally or are at.

Women could not be separated from menstuation therefore normal and common for a woman, but behind that menstruation is also sometimes annoying.

Because when the period or periods are not normal and common stomach in knead pain and bowel such as somersaults, was blood coming out too much, it can use this traditional ingredients :

Creating a Natural Remedy For Menstruation

And you as a woman, should have potions or ways - natural and traditional way to deal with the time during menstruation, which may be able to give nuisance to you, either mentally or otherwise, and natural way to overcome it like this! and please give it a try.

  • Take a piece of Gambir( Name of material ) 2 pieces of the little finger, turmeric and three pieces of betel leaf.
  • Turmeric in finely crushed, so Gambir ( Name of material ) which has been in the mix to become one.
  • Give a little water, a tablespoon or two tablespoons, stirring until smooth, then wring by using a soft cloth, take the herb extract water.
  • Wring tightly, and water concoction in cider Drinks.
  • Instantly abdominal pain will disappear and will be current period or menstruation, where blood is not too much and not too little, menstruation or menstruation will undoubtedly smoothly without interruption, and you will not be interrupted again if the pain during menstruation menstruation.
  • Because the pain was not immediately we treat, of course we are the ones that bother on him also.

By trying and using traditional ingredients which have been handed down, the pain can be anticipated or minimized even loose.Dan we are also likely to feel comfortable when coming month or menstruation comes, author.
