Tips Facial Care With Natural Moisturizer


Tips facial care with natural moisturizer, treating the face similar to how and in what way our skin care, with modern or traditional and narurally? two of which are just as good for treating skin, especially our women.And two of them depending on the choice or we can even try to do both, although not necessarily with the same!, The second thing is, maybe how to care for the face has a lot in moderndo, but let us try a traditional herb ingredient as a skin moisturizer, and it is why the simple alias simple! such as tips facials that use the traditional way as a moisturizer for your skin, as below, namely:

Tips Moisturize Skin With Apples

  • Set Apples will you use as a traditional medicine and natural to moisturize your skin.
  • Fresh Apple crop - cut and squeeze in.
  • Search Of apple juice that you use! rub on your skin thoroughly and evenly, and let it dry, then wash your face with clean water.
  • Natural Of apples in addition to moisturize, may also be useful as a moisturizer, toner replacement and soap, you are interested to try it?

Tips Moisturizing Face With Fruit Avocados

  • Do like this ! With smooth flesh of an avocado until mushy, then you apply it evenly on your skin. 
  • Let it dry, then wipe with your water! natural moisturizing and traditionally this is useful especially for dry skin, because the avocado fruit contains vitamins A, B, C and D. Have you tried it.

Moisturize Skin With oil and cucumber

  • Castor oil and cucumber also useful to know moisturize our skin! yes, there are indeed many traditional ingredients that we can use and easy for us to try.
  • Castor oil or castor is a great natural moisturizer! This is due to the oil or castor is one of the best ways to get rid of wrinkles aging wrinkle on the face, around the neck and eyelids.To do that, by applying castor oil on the part of aging are wrinkles on the face, wrinkles and aging will soon disappear.

Moisturizing Face With Cucumber

  • All probably know, cucumbers in use as natural ingredients to moisturize our skin, but in addition it is also useful as a cucumber toner and obatpembersih face.

How to chop or cut into pieces - small pieces of cucumber, then you put on your face around evenly, the result is that we can feel, in addition to the face is fresh and clean skin will also feel fine! Safe to try, author.
