Effects nail biting

Its seem as like a little think that we thought but its can make you..
Nail biting apparently was not dangerous. However, in fact, this habit is not good for health.

 More susceptible to bacterial infection, such as strep throat and diarrhea.

No matter how carefully you wash your hands, in fact very difficult to eliminate all the germs and dirt from the inside of your nails.

A spokesman for the health of Texas A & M University, said, "This habit gives free access to germs and dirt to get into the mouth, throat, and stomach."

Once the germs under fingernails into the body, chances are you experiencing pain can be significantly increased.

 Nail infection.

Biting nails can increase the risk of serious infection in the area around the nail, known as paronychia.

Symptoms include red knuckles, swelling and pain around the nail, or tearing cuticle around the nail ache.

In case of bacterial infection, pus will most likely appear in the injured area. Worse, if you're biting your nails that have warts caused by a virus, it can make the warts spread to other areas.

 Change the structure of the tooth.

Teeth designed to chew the food and should not be used as cutting tools hard objects such as nails.

Often nail biting can cause your teeth to shift out of place. Additionally, bacteria also has the potential to infect or cause irritation to the gums.

 Nails can grow downwards.

Excessive nail biting can make the skin under the nail to be changed, causing the nail to grow under the skin.

This condition is very painful and potentially causing injury and infection. Thus, the operation is a way to settle the consequences of biting nails this one.

 The risk of poisoning increases.

Biting nails were polished nail polish can be very harmful to health. Regular nail polish have a lot of toxins and chemicals that can be harmful if swallowed.

Although the number of low toxicity likely will not show any harmful effects, but you also need to take into account the potential long-term consequences of the habit of accidentally swallowing nail polish.
So be carefull to do your nail, forbiden bitting
