Recognize the Early Signs of Autism in Toddlers

Recognize the Early Signs of Autism in Toddlers, How to autism in children occur, how the causes and symptoms, you need to understand this as a parent!
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For new parents or a mother who is pregnant, growth disorders autism be feared. Moreover, the current number of children who have continued to rise.

Although scientists do not know how to prevent autism, but early detection by recognizing the signs can be very helpful. In fact, given early treatment can provide significant advances in the development of the child.

According to experts from Autism Speaks, an advocacy group for parents, there are some signs that need to be considered on their young children.

Signs to watch is the disruption of social phenomena.

  1.  Do not show facial expressions such as smiling.
  2.  There are no signs began to babble at 12 months of age or speak at the age of 16 months.
  3. Do not respond if called upon his name.
  4.  Do not refer or respond to something demonstrated.
  5. Not interested in other children.
  6.  Not interested in showing his toys to parents.

Although the progress of the development of each child is different, but the treatment is given early can enhance learning, communication, and social in children with autism.
