Bronchitis Disease Prevention

Bronchitis Disease Prevention. Bronchitis can be avoided by following the preventive measures are simple. Here are tips to prevent bronchitis in children and adults.
Bronchitis, respiratory disorders, occurs when the airways are inflamed or swollen due to the infection. The trachea in the lungs has two branches or bronchi. When one of them is affected, people suffering from this disease. Smoke, chemical irritants, air pollution, infectious complications of the virus that causes bronchitis. Symptoms include a persistent cough (with mucus), shortness of breath, chest pain, colds, flu, wheezing, etc.
Bronchitis can be of two types, namely, acute and chronic. In acute cases, severe symptoms were observed, however, the disease did not last long. On the other hand, the chronic cases, is a disease that is durable. Symptoms can be mild or severe, and appear repeatedly. This disease often develops after a cold and flu. Although there are treatment methods available, you should follow the precautionary measures to prevent bronchitis.

How to Prevent Bronchitis

 Vaccinated: Getting vaccinated against the virus infection is the best preventive measure to prevent bronchitis. Vaccination minimize the risk of contracting the disease to a great extent. Influenza (flu) vaccine is an annual vaccine that protects against the influenza virus.
 Wearing a mask, preventing air pollution such as dust, pollen into the air duct. People working in the metal industry or stone quarries also have a high risk of contracting bronchitis; therefore, should wear a mask. Second, physicians or volunteers should wear masks because they are constantly in contact with patients suffering from infectious diseases.
Limiting be around people who suffered from viral infections such as colds and flu. Preventing this condition can also prevent complications, such as bronchitis.
Having a diet that is healthy, nutritious and balanced increase immunity. The immune system protects people from being infected by the virus that causes the disease. Therefore, there is less likelihood of contracting the disease. You must include fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc. in your daily diet to boost immunity.
Using a handkerchief when sneezing or coughing, wash hands, and also use sanitizer. Secondly, you do not have to share personal articles and clothing people suffering from viral infectious diseases.
Smoking is one of the prominent causes of bronchitis. When a person smokes, he's inhaling tobacco smoke. the smoke is inhaled it causes irritation in the airways of its produce mucus, which then developed bronchitis. Therefore, smoking should be stopped completely.
Bronchitis is a disease that requires special handling, and to find out more read on, what are the causes of the disease bronchitis!
Smoking may trigger bronchitis, cigarette smoke contains nicotine will inevitably lead to it, in addition to smokers as well, non-smokers can suffer from bronchitis, so you do not underestimate yourself who do not have the habit of smoking.

Things you may need to avoid are:

1. Checkedyourself to the nearest doctor, do regular health checks to keep things - things you do not want.
2. You can take the medicine, the instigation of doctors or use traditional ingredients and natural, herbal remedies and potions other traditional, as long as it is good and does not have side effects to your health.
3. Keep or avoid places where there are many cigarette smoke from smokers around you, the fresh air can help the health of the lungs - your lungs.
4. Other Smoke can also cause bronchitis, the smoke from factories and pollution or air pollution every day happens, it can also be a cause of bronchitis you have.
It is wise, as prevention of air pollution there, you should wear a mask to protect yourself and your nose suck dirty air around you.
Once smokers afflicted by the disease, it is more difficult for them to recover than other patients. If smokers suffering from acute bronchitis continues to smoke, the cilia in their lungs permanently damaged, so that it becomes chronic.
Remember that smoking stimulates bronchitis. As the airways of smokers constantly exposed to tobacco smoke, cigarette smoke inflamed and produce bronchitis. Smokers have about ten times higher chance of contracting the disease than non-smokers.
In the long term, be a precursor of lung cancer. chain smoker, smoking 10-20 cigarettes for nearly 10 years, is under high risk of contracting bronchitis. Once you quit smoking, lung function improved, and lung cancer can be avoided.
