Suspected Diabetes Trigger Pancreatic Cancer

Suspected Diabetes Trigger Pancreatic Cancer
. International Prevention Research Institute in Lyon, France revealed, 50 percent of pancreatic cancer patients turned out to have previously been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes This figure can be fairly high, and a question mark.
Are Often downing soft drinks Trigger Diabetes? Diabetes Shorten Age 10 Years Beware 3 Deadly Diabetes Complications! 10 Identify Pancreatic Cancer Risk Factors
The relationship between diabetes and pancreatic cancer start to the attention of researchers. Increase in blood sugar disease is thought to increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.

The findings were presented at the European Cancer Congress, Amsterdam it involves nearly 1 million patients in Italy and Belgium.

diabetes itself is associated with the function of the pancreas. The pancreas produces insulin function. Meanwhile, type 2 diabetes caused by insulin resistance. Insulin resistance makes the blood sugar is poorly absorbed into the body's cells.

By doing so, the researchers suspected pancreatic cancer risk may be increased due to the risk of diabetes.

Alice Koechlin, of the International Prevention Research Institute, said diabetes patients and physicians should be aware of possible complications of the disease. To prevent complications, it is important for diabetics to keep their blood sugar control.

Therefore, diabetes is usually too late known by the patient. Unwittingly, diabetes may already damaging several organs slowly. diabetes can indeed cause other complications due to damage small and large blood vessels.

Given this research, eventually diabetic patients may be given a screening for cancer. Initial screening is necessary to memukan cancer before the appearance of symptoms.

Alice said, unfortunately, until now there is no non-invasive method to detect pancreatic cancer. The hope, pancreatic cancer can be found only through blood tests.
ering downing soft drinks Trigger Diabetes?

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Based on recent research published in The Journal of Nutrition, often drinking carbonated beverages increase the risk of prediabetes.

Prediabetes is an early stage to someone eventually be affected by type 2 diabetes Sign, blood sugar levels began to exceed the normal limits.

The study involved 1,600 people who like consumption of soft drinks and no. The results showed that those who drank soda more than 3 times a week experienced a 46 percent risk of pre-diabetes than those who did not drink minnuman bersida.

One researcher, Nicola McKeown, Ph.D., of Tufts University said the problem of soft drinks exist in sugar content. The content of sugar in soft drinks such as glucose and fructose who will interfere with the body's health.

The extra sugar may increase blood sugar levels quickly. In the long term, it could interfere with the function of the pancreas to release insulin or insulin resistance occurs. In fact, insulin is needed to be able to absorb the glucose into energy.

When glucose builds up in the blood due to insulin resistance, prediabetes there until the end of diabetes if not immediately treated.

According to Nicola, lifestyle changes have to be done once diagnosed with prediabetes. He suggested to multiply kosumsi nutritious foods, such as vegetables and fruits, and complex carbohydrates such as whole grains that will not make rapid blood sugar soaring. Then, regular physical activity.

Nicola said, reduce five percent of excess weight alone can control blood sugar thus reducing the risk of diabetes.

"If you do not make lifestyle changes after being diagnosed with prediabetes, later you may be exposed
